About RadRenter - Online Rental Listings

Est. 2008 - Adam Schmidt, Owner


Rented House CubeRadRenter.com is a rental listing website where Families, Singles, Seniors and Professionals can search for an apartment, rental home, or commercial property to rent.

Landlords, post listings today of your apartments, rentals, and commercial properties. You can sign up for your free landlord account here.

RadRenter does not own or manage any of the properties listed on our site. The listings are posted by landlords and managers. To find out more about a specific property, contact the landlord or manager. Their contact information is displayed on each listing.

In many cities it's free for landlords to post listings. In a few select cities, we charge a small weekly fee to display your listings. Follow the About Posting Listings link below to learn more about posting listings. To see pricing info, and in what cities we charge a fee and which ones are free, click here.

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About Posting Listings | Frequently Asked Questions

The Guy Who Started It:

Who’s behind this site? That would be me, Adam Schmidt.

I launched RadRenter because I saw the need for it. A number of years ago I bought a couple of rental properties. It's been a great experience, but it baffled me that there were no quality online rental listing sites for the Greater Mankato area or Southern Minnesota.

In 2006, I started working on a business model that would include a clean, professional, easy-to-use site backed up with excellent service. Construction of the website began in late 2007, and it launched in February, 2008.

Southern Minnesota has always been home. I grew up in Springfield, attended Minnesota State University, Mankato, and have stayed in Mankato since then. When I'm not working on RadRenter, I enjoy spending time raising my boys; I also like to keep busy as a carpenter and contractor.

Customer Service at Rad Renter:

We think customer service is important. That should be obvious and should not have to be said, but these days it seems like some companies think having a nicely manicured lawn is more important than quality customer service. (We don’t have anything against lawns, actually, we like them too.) We think quality customer service is the #1 most important tool used in marketing. We want you to swear by our customer service, and not swear at us.

Help From You:

It’s not below us to ask for help. Please help us spread the word about RadRenter by telling other landlords and renters about us. Please like us on Facebook. If you've got a website, feel free to link to us.

We like feedback! RadRenter is constantly growing and improving, and we like to include you in the process, so if there is anything you would like to see changed or improved, please let us know. You won't hurt our feelings.

Want to help in your own way? If you are just interested in helping support an area small business with big ambitions, we would love to hear from you.


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