Rental Houses & Apartments For Rent in Berkeley, CA

Apartments, Townhomes, Duplexes, and Homes

Apartment Directory

University Avenue Co
1471 Addison St
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 843-5937
University Avenue Co are managed by John Stewart Company (415) 345-4400
Ocean View Garden Apartments
819 Hearst Ave
Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 981-1182
Ocean View Garden Apartments are managed by FPI Management, Inc. (916) 357-5312 x 628
Savo Island Cooperative Homes
2017 Stuart St
Berkeley, CA 94703
(510) 841-4595
Savo Island Cooperative Homes are managed by Interstate Realty Management Co.
Rosewood Apartments
1617 Russell St
Berkeley, CA 94703
(510) 540-0382
Rosewood Apartments are managed by EAH Inc. (415) 258-1800
2951 Derby St
Berkeley, CA 94705
(510) 593-2831
REDWOOD GARDENS are managed by CSI Support and Development Services 510 549-9620
2050 Delaware St
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 548-5189
AMISTAD HOUSE are managed by Satellite Affordable Hsg Assoc. Property Mgmt (510) 647-0700
Strawberry Creek Lodge
1320 Addison St
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 841-8330
Strawberry Creek Lodge are managed by Satellite Affordable Hsg Assoc. Property Mgmt
Harriet Tubman Terrace
2870 Adeline St
Berkeley, CA 94703
Harriet Tubman Terrace are managed by Interstate Realty Management Co. 209-334-6565
1909 Cedar St
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 647-0700
LAWRENCE F MOORE MANOR are managed by Satellite Affordable Hsg Assoc. Property Mgmt 510-647-0700 x 103
Maggie Kuhn Apartments
1499 Alcatraz Ave
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 658-7492
Maggie Kuhn Apartments are managed by John Stewart Company (415) 345-4423

Berkeley Average Rent & City Data

Berkeley Area Average Rent Amount

Studios One
$1,435 $1,723 $2,173 $3,017 $3,477
  • Efficiency: The average rent for a studio or efficiency apartment in the Berkeley area is $1435.
  • One Bedroom: The average rent for a one bedroom in the Berkeley area is $1723.
  • Two Bedroom: The average rent for a two bedroom in the Berkeley area is $2173.
  • Three Bedroom: The average rent for a three bedroom in the Berkeley area is $3017.
  • Four Bedroom: The average rent for a four bedroom in the Berkeley area is $3477.

-Berkeley City Data-

The population of Berkeley, California is 120,972 people, and even though you love your dog or cat more than most people, they are not included.

The median income in Berkeley, California is $66,237 per year.

Berkeley is located in Alameda County.

-Check out the rentals near Berkeley, CA.