Rental Houses & Apartments For Rent in Griffin, GA

Apartments, Townhomes, Duplexes, and Homes

Apartment Directory

Northside Hills Apartments
615A Northside Dr
Griffin, GA 30223
Northside Hills Apartments are managed by Triumph Housing Management LLC 678.707.8842
Heritage Apartments
1012 Beck St
Griffin, GA 30224
770 228 9613
Heritage Apartments are managed by SPM, LLC 205-639-5169
Regency Apartments
1100B W College Ext
Griffin, GA 30224
(770) 227-1226
Regency Apartments are managed by Millennia Housing Management Ltd. 216.236.0443
St George's Court
110 N 10th St
Griffin, GA 30223
St George's Court are managed by St. George's Court 770-229-5405
Meriwether Homes
426 S 15th St
Griffin, GA 30224
Meriwether Homes are managed by Alco Management, Inc

Griffin Average Rent & City Data

Griffin Area Average Rent Amount

Studios One
$818 $858 $990 $1,299 $1,599
  • Efficiency: The average rent for a studio or efficiency apartment in the Griffin area is $818.
  • One Bedroom: The average rent for a one bedroom in the Griffin area is $858.
  • Two Bedroom: The average rent for a two bedroom in the Griffin area is $990.
  • Three Bedroom: The average rent for a three bedroom in the Griffin area is $1299.
  • Four Bedroom: The average rent for a four bedroom in the Griffin area is $1599.

-Griffin City Data-

The population of Griffin, Georgia is 23,211 people, and even though you love your dog or cat more than most people, they are not included.

The median income in Griffin, Georgia is $30,652 per year.

Griffin is located in Spalding County.

-Check out the rentals near Griffin, GA.