Rental Houses & Apartments For Rent in Redwood City, CA

Apartments, Townhomes, Duplexes, and Homes

Apartment Directory

Heron Court
350 Gunter Ln
Redwood City, CA 94065
(650) 593-1915
Heron Court are managed by Alton Management Corporation (510) 663-0177
Redwood City Commons
875 Walnut St
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 367-8176
Redwood City Commons are managed by John Stewart Company (831) 438-5725 x244
1280 Veterans Blvd
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 369-4819
CASA DE REDWOOD are managed by Barcelon Associates Management Corporation

Redwood City Average Rent & City Data

Redwood City Area Average Rent Amount

Studios One
$1,915 $2,411 $3,018 $3,927 $4,829
  • Efficiency: The average rent for a studio or efficiency apartment in the Redwood City area is $1915.
  • One Bedroom: The average rent for a one bedroom in the Redwood City area is $2411.
  • Two Bedroom: The average rent for a two bedroom in the Redwood City area is $3018.
  • Three Bedroom: The average rent for a three bedroom in the Redwood City area is $3927.
  • Four Bedroom: The average rent for a four bedroom in the Redwood City area is $4829.

-Redwood City City Data-

The population of Redwood City, California is 85,288 people, and even though you love your dog or cat more than most people, they are not included.

The median income in Redwood City, California is $84,934 per year.

Redwood City is located in San Mateo County.

-Check out the rentals near Redwood City, CA.