Rental Houses & Apartments For Rent in Richmond, CA

Apartments, Townhomes, Duplexes, and Homes

Apartment Directory

Crescent Park
5000 Hartnett Ave
Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 237-5377
Crescent Park are managed by EAH Inc. (415) 258-1800
Barrett Plaza Townhouses
740 Barrett Ave
Richmond, CA 94801
(510) 237-3467
Barrett Plaza Townhouses are managed by North Richmond Economic Development Corp 510-412-9290 X28
Barrett Terrace Apts
700 Barrett Ave
Richmond, CA 94801
(510) 237-3467
Barrett Terrace Apts are managed by North Richmond Economic Development Corp 510-412-9290 X28
Arbors Apartments
5317 Creely Ave
Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 236-4935
Arbors Apartments are managed by John Stewart Company 415-345-4400
St Johns Apts
121 W Macdonald Ave
Richmond, CA 94801
(510) 237-6426
St Johns Apts are managed by U.S. Residential Group LLC
Pullman Point
2989 Pullman Ave
Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 235-5689
Pullman Point are managed by John Stewart Company 415-345-4400
Community Heritage Senior Apartments
1555 3rd St
Richmond, CA 94801
Community Heritage Senior Apartments are managed by North Richmond Economic Development Corp 510 237-3467

Richmond Average Rent & City Data

Richmond Area Average Rent Amount

Studios One
$1,435 $1,723 $2,173 $3,017 $3,477
  • Efficiency: The average rent for a studio or efficiency apartment in the Richmond area is $1435.
  • One Bedroom: The average rent for a one bedroom in the Richmond area is $1723.
  • Two Bedroom: The average rent for a two bedroom in the Richmond area is $2173.
  • Three Bedroom: The average rent for a three bedroom in the Richmond area is $3017.
  • Four Bedroom: The average rent for a four bedroom in the Richmond area is $3477.

-Richmond City Data-

The population of Richmond, California is 109,708 people, and even though you love your dog or cat more than most people, they are not included.

The median income in Richmond, California is $55,102 per year.

Richmond is located in Contra Costa County.

-Check out the rentals near Richmond, CA.