Rental Houses & Apartments For Rent in San Rafael, CA

Apartments, Townhomes, Duplexes, and Homes

Apartment Directory

Pilgrim Park Apartments
96 Pilgrim Way
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 499-3350
Pilgrim Park Apartments are managed by John Stewart Company (415) 499-3350
Center Interfaith Housing
164 N San Pedro Rd
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 492-9340
Center Interfaith Housing are managed by EAH Inc. 415-295-8810
302 4th St
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 459-4020
SAN RAFAEL COMMONS are managed by BRIDGE Property Management Company
Martinelli House
1327 Lincoln Ave
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 830-3300
Martinelli House are managed by Mercy Housing Management Group 303-830-3301

San Rafael Average Rent & City Data

San Rafael Area Average Rent Amount

Studios One
$1,915 $2,411 $3,018 $3,927 $4,829
  • Efficiency: The average rent for a studio or efficiency apartment in the San Rafael area is $1915.
  • One Bedroom: The average rent for a one bedroom in the San Rafael area is $2411.
  • Two Bedroom: The average rent for a two bedroom in the San Rafael area is $3018.
  • Three Bedroom: The average rent for a three bedroom in the San Rafael area is $3927.
  • Four Bedroom: The average rent for a four bedroom in the San Rafael area is $4829.

-San Rafael City Data-

The population of San Rafael, California is 59,162 people, and even though you love your dog or cat more than most people, they are not included.

The median income in San Rafael, California is $77,294 per year.

San Rafael is located in Marin County.

-Check out the rentals near San Rafael, CA.